The Mario Blog

01.18.2016—11pm    Post #2346
It’s VR for Los Angeles Times

One of my predictions for 2016 lists more virtual reality experiments, that is why I am happy to see that The Los Angeles Times has given immersive journalism a try.

The Los Angeles Times’s virtual reality story, “Discovering Gale Crater,”

For its first virtual reality project, The Los Angeles Times is setting its sights Mars. Utilizing virtual reality and coding technology, the newspaper built its story, “Discovering Gale Crater,” an immersive look at the Mars Gale crater.

There is more narration than text in this LA Times project. In a two minute tour, audiences can scan the surface of the crater using NASA photographs. They can first go through the guided tour, then explore the virtual crater on their own.

How they did it

Excellent, detailed piece from Armand Emamdjomeh and Len DeGroot, project leaders.

While talking about Virtual Reality

I was cast last week to do a voice over narration to accompany scenes from History of Cuban Dance, a Lucy Walker short film, which traces Cuban dances from Afro-Cuban Santería rumba, mambo, and cha-cha-chá, all the way to salsa, breakdancing, and reggae ton, with optional audio tracks reflecting the broader story of Cuban history as revealed in the moves. 

Lucy filmed on location in Cuba. Will keep you informed here about the film.

History of Cuban Dance will be one of about 30 VR films shown this year at Sundance.

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